Food Factory Design
cWe serve a wide range of companies within the food sector.
The food and drink sector is the largest manufacturing sector in the UK accounting for 16% of total manufacturing turnover.
As part of Food and Drink Federations’ (FDF’s) 20/20 vision for growth which looks to see economic input from Food and Drink manufacturers increase by 20% between 2010-2020, FDF have set an ambition to grow value-added food and drink exports by a third to achieve a total value of £6 billion by 2020.
To help achieve that, the industry is developing innovative solutions to increase productivity, reduce waste and energy usage, and introduce more efficient manufacturing to reduce costs and drive competitive advantage.
This is where we can step in to help with assessment, design, installation, modification or upgrade of the existing equipment. Or we can Project Manage your entire factory redesign, by keeping tight check on costs and timelines, sub-contractors, safety and regulations. In essence we can manage everything from A to Z- from Apex to Zero Adjustments.
It is worth mentioning that since The Food Industry is quite naturally governed by a number of Quality Management Standards, it is imperative that the Consulting Engineers assisting on the project are very knowledgeable in the standards required.
We are proficient in Architectural production layout design and spatial planning, Production Analysis, Civil & Structural, M&E Engineering and Building Consultancy services tailored to suit a Client’s needs and importantly to achieve Major Retailer Technical Approval and industry wide standards such as BRC, EFSIS and SALSA accreditation.
Our approach is always client-led. We let our clients’ requirements to become the key drivers of their projects, so that the final deliverable is as close to their original vision as possible.
The aim of the company is to provide customer satisfaction and a high level of service and we pride ourselves on ensuring that hands-on Director involvement is maintained throughout the project until completion.